zip code


Flora Vista

New Mexico

San Juan
6:21 PM


ZIP Code 87415 is located in the county of San Juan in the state of New Mexico. 87415 ZIP Code is spread between the coordinates of +36.8081528 Latitude and -108.08560236 Longitude. 87415 ZIP Code is part of the 505 area code. There is 1 postal office in zip code 87415.

On the below highlighted section you can find the cities which the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 87415. Always when you mail a package or a letter, be attentive to mention the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in unforseen delays.

Post Offices in Flora Vista, NM


ZIP code 87415 is located in Flora Vista, New Mexico. 87415 has a population of 1,791.

In the 87415 ZIP Code there are 773 housing units with an avarage cost of $200,500.

Population 1,791
Population Density 163people per sq mi
Housing Units 773
Median Home Value $200,500
Land Area 10.98sq mi
Water Area 0.35sq mi
Median Household Income $78,307


In all the statistical population, the male population is 909 and the female population is 882.

Male Population 90951%
Female Population 88249%


In all the statistical population, the White population is 1,486, the Black or African American population is 9, the American Indian Or Alaskan Native population is 52, the Asian population is 7, the Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander population is 3, other race population is 189 and two or more races population is 45.

White 1,48682.97%
Black Or African American 90.50%
American Indian Or Alaskan Native 522.90%
Asian 70.39%
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 30.17%
Other Race 18910.55%
Two Or More Races 452.51%


The median age for ZIP code 87415 is 41 years old.

Median Age 41


ZIP code 87415 has 773 households. The average income per household in Zip code 87415 is $78,307 and the average house value is $200,500.

Household per ZIP Code 773
Avarage House Value $200,500
Income Per Household $78,307

Geographic Data

The latitude of the Zip code 87415 is +36.8081528, the longitude is -108.08560236, and the elevation is 5,404 ft. The time zone for ZIP code 87415 is MDT.

Latitude +36.8081528
Elevation 5,404 ft
Longitude -108.08560236
Timezone MDT



Wind Direction

7 Day Forecast

Frequently Asked Questions

87415 zip code is located in the county of San Juan in the state of New Mexico.

87415 zip code is part of the 505 area code.

87415 zip code is part of the Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) and the current time is 6:21 PM.

The population for 87415 zip code is 1,791.

The population density for 87415 is 163 people per sq mi.

The median household income for zip code 87415 is $200,500.

There are a total of 773 housing units in 87415 zip code.

The male population in 87415 zip code is 909 (51%).

The female population in 87415 zip code is 882 (49%).

The white population as of the latest census data is 1,486 (82.97%).

The Black or African American population is 9 (0.50%).

The Asian population is 7 (0.39%).

The median age for zip code 87415 is 41 years old.

The elevation for zip code 87415 is 5,404 ft.

